Comparing pruning methods for optimal partitioning
Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT) and Functional Pruning Optimal Partitioning (FPOP)
Are pipe operations linear or quadratic?
A demonstration of atime on mlr3torch
Bike ride map and time series data viz
A demonstration of animint2 and sf
Configuring eduroam
On cell phones and linux
Benchmarking data.table with polars, duckdb, and pandas
Demonstrating advantages of data.table
Implementing optimal partitioning in R
Comparison with Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT)
Cross-validation experiments with torch learners
Demonstration of mlr3torch + mlr3resampling
Overhead of auto-grad in torch
Comparison with explicit gradients
AUC and AUM in torch
Demonstration of auto-grad
Ordinary least squares algorithms
Comparing computation time in R
Collaborations not allowed
Parsing a web page with regex
Code of conduct / conduite
Lecture obligatoire pour participants du labo LASSO / Required reading for LASSO lab participants
Visualizing prediction error
And clearly showing differences between algorithms
History of supervised change-point detection
Using git bisect to find a survival bug
Generate publications page
Parsing bibtex and generating markdown
Writing comprehensible tests
Documenting key code magic numbers in animint2 tests
Rust versus Go
Similarities and Differences
How reproducible are benchmarks?
Comparing atime results on different computers
Collapse reshape benchmark
Comparison with data.table
Porting base R regex code to nc
Case study with a complex regex
Benchmarking a change in data.table
Progress reporting for group by operations
Mammouth tutorial
Cluster computing for students at UdeS
Research student application
Please read if you want to do research under my supervision
HTML to Markdown
Regex for porting my lab web site
Short bio
Some text to use for talk introductions
Directions to my office in Sherbrooke
With a map in English!
New code for various kinds of cross-validation
Cross-validation in R with mlr3
Capturing regular expressions
Extracting data from loosely structured text
The importance of hyper-parameter tuning
And parallellizing machine learning experiments in R
When is it useful to train with combined subsets?
An exploration using cross-validation
Parsing check logs using regular expressions
A demonstration of nc R package
Unable to load shared object, Undefined symbol
Creating and explaining a linker error
Reshape performance comparison
Demonstration of asymptotic timing comparisons
Cross-validation with variable size train sets
Determining how many samples are necessary for optimal prediction
Upgrading R arrow
More build debugging
Partial matching on data frame row names
Comparing efficiency using atime
Interpretable learning algorithms with built-in feature selection
Regularized linear model and decision tree
Generalization to new subsets in R
Coding non-standard cross-validation
Comparing machine learning frameworks in R
for loop, mlr3, tidymodels
data.table CRAN diffs
Verifying consistency between CRAN and github
data.table asymptotic timings
Motivational figures
Debugging python code in emacs
Fixing a bug and building old emacs
Count unique students
Regex and data table summarization
Essential emacs key commands
Cheat sheet for my students
Splitting an R package
Recommendations from experience with spatstat
Installing Rmpi on the cluster
This package needs special treatment on compute nodes
Segfault using R arrow
Reproducing and fixing an error
Re-building vignettes on windows
Fixing mysterious error
Modifying default gcc compilation flags
When compiling R packages
Installing Ubuntu on an old Mac
Step by step instructions
spack package manager
contrast with conda
Checking R package on M1 Mac
Web services for R package developers
Comparing asymptotic timings of CSV read/write functions
Some surprising differences
Debugging C code
valgrind and gdb are essential tools
CRAN Meta-data
Backing up MRAN
Cross-validation experiments on the cluster
NAU monsoon tutorial
Generalization to new subsets
Cross-validation in python
R Package Release History
Extracting and plotting data from CRAN web site
Submitting python jobs on monsoon
And anaconda setup
Cloud Storage
Different options for internal and external sharing
Indirect reverse dependencies
Computing the entire graph, and histogram tutorial
GUI for WSL on Windows 10
use cygwin instead of vcxsrv
Reformatting NEWS files
Regular expression example
R packages on github
How to query CRAN meta-data
Positive and negative log transform
Non-linear transformations for heat maps and signed p-values
Research Mentorship Plan
Required reading for potential students
Historical reverse imports
Analysis of R package usage over time
Learning with Area Under the Min
How to use torch with a non-standard loss
Torch randomness
Reproducible neural network learning
No argument unpacking in C
But there is in R and Python
AUM in Torch
Auto-grad of a non-differentiable loss function
Erdos number
A distance calculator
Plotting the probability simplex
An application of matrix inversion
Link-time optimization
Fixing warnings from CRAN checks
Finding symbols in object files
Using objdump to find cerr
Ten years of R project in Google Summer of Code
Some success stories from my participation
Simple methods for defining small data by row
Comparison with base R and tribble
The C book
Documentation of stringize macros
Evidential machine learning
An alternative to probability
Stress testing reshape operations on list columns
Advantages of updated data.table::melt
Defining data by row and regex by sub-pattern
Avoiding separation of related concepts in code
Update about data reshaping and visualization in R and python
data.table, tidyr, nc, pandas, datatable, plotnine, altair, bokeh
Convex clustering theory
Recent results on trees and cluster shapes
R packages that depend on system libraries
How to pass CRAN checks
The UCR Time Series Archive
A benchmark for classification algorithms
Multi-threaded sorting
Thread safety of qsort variants
Faster AUM computation?
Log-linear C++ STL containers vs linear time radix sort
New ideas for classification
Weston-Watkins multiclass SVM and AUC optimization
Emulating the python interactive console
My hack using the code module
New packages for data storage and reshaping
tidyfast, tidyfst, fst, arrow, feather, parquet
Computing K-means train/validation error
Alternatives to for loops in R
Parsing CRAN maintainers
Regular expressions using nc R package
Teaching my son to type in emacs
Random train/validation/test assignment
Different methods tried by my students
C/C++ completion in emacs
Configuration details
Data manipulation libraries
Translating between data.table, pandas, dplyr
Custom evaluation metrics in TensorFlow
Implementing the exact area under the ROC curve
Fast parameter exploration
Caching and parallel execution
binsegRcpp inside a C++ program
Embedding Rcpp code into a main function
Embedding R
Compiling a program that links to R
R batchtools on Monsoon
Cluster computing tutorial for NAU students
Arizona time
Why does internet tell people the wrong time?
Emacs local variables
Custom configurations for R
Ubuntu setup and LaTeX debugging
Installing and configuring a 10 year old Mac
X forwarding on windows
Installing and configuring cygwin
Scientific poster suggestions
A helpful video
Complex software dependencies considered harmful
useR 2019 debrief
Interesting talks I saw in Toulouse
R in Docker on Mac
Reproducing valgrind messages using an R-hub image
R package installation on windows considered harmful
Warning for unsuccessful DLL copy should be an error
tikzDevice on windows
Fixing missing packages
Simple parallel R code on a computer cluster
Simple parallel for loops in C++
gdb with R
how to find line numbers of assertion errors
Eigen and UNDEBUG
Turning on runtime assertion errors for compiled code in R packages
Support vector machine for survival analysis
Testing PeakSegPipeline on Travis with SLURM
Also batchtools and texinfo
Tweet when donation received
My first google script
Setting default web browser in LXDE
Need to create a .desktop file
Keyboard remapping on windows
Changing caps lock to control on windows
Training Benchmark for Deep neural networks
A new benchmark data set for neural network training
The biglasso package
An on-disk implementation for huge data
True reproducibility in R
The switchr package and manifests
Seasonal temperature variations where I have lived
Using R to download and plot temperature data from wikipedia
What Science Is
Compiling R
R project in Google Summer of Code 2017
useR! 2017 debrief
summary of interesting work I saw in Brussels
Combining data tables in R
rbind inside the for loop is much slower than outside
new web site
now more complete and informative