HTML to Markdown
The goal of this blog post is to show a couple of interesting regex that I used to port some info from my lab web site to my github blog.
text <- '
<li><a href="">Tung Lam Nguyen</a>, Inf PHD, Spring 2024 - present.</li>
<li><a href="">Doris Amoakohene</a>, Inf master,
Fall 2023 - present.</li>
<li><a href="">Bilal Aslam</a>, Inf PHD, Fall 2022 - present.</li>
<li><a href="">Karl Harshe</a>, MechE PHD, Fall 2022 - present.</li>
<li><a href="">Daniel Agyapong</a>,
Informatics and Computing PHD, Fall 2022 - present.</li>
<li><a href="">Cameron Bodine</a>,
Informatics and Computing PHD, Spring 2020 - present.</li>
<li><a href="">Trevor Silverstein</a>, Inf PHD,
Fall 2023, then went back to teach school.</li>
<li><a href="">Jadon Fowler</a>, CS master,
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023, working as software developer
at <a href="">Lunar Client</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Austin Malmin</a>, CS master, Spring 2023, now Salesforce developer at <a href="">Microchip</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Kyle Rust</a>, CS master,
Fall 2021 - Fall 2022, working as data scientist
at <a href="">CHS</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Charlie Saluski</a>,
CS undergrad, Spring 2022.</li>
<li><a href="">Balaji Senthilkumar</a>,
CS master, Spring 2022.</li>
<li><a href="">Jacob Kaufman</a>, CS
master, Spring 2022, then went
to <a href="">General Dynamics</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Amirhossein Safari</a>,
Informatics and Computing PHD, Spring 2022.</li>
<li><a href="">Jonathan Wheeler</a>,
Math master, Spring 2022.</li>
<li><a href="">Tayler Skirvin</a>, CS
undergrad, Spring 2022, then went to work as software developer at
<a href="">Cognizant</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Brooke Sebranek</a>,
Biomedical Sciences undergrad, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022.</li>
<li><a href="">Shadmaan Hye</a>,
Informatics and Computing PHD, Fall 2021, then went to University of
Arizona CS as PHD student.</li>
<li><a href="">Tristan Miller</a>, BS CS
research associate, Fall 2020 - Fall 2021, then went to work at a
tech startup.</li>
<li><a href="">Akhila Chowdary
Kolla</a>, CS master, Spring 2020 - Fall 2021, then went to work as
software developer at <a href="">Amazon</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Alyssa Stenberg</a>, CS
master, Spring 2020, then went
to <a href="">J.B. Hunt</a> as a software
engineer (Machine Learning Operations team).</li>
<li><a href="">Jonathan Hillman</a>,
CS undergrad, Summer 2020 - Summer 2021, then did Math master at NAU.</li>
<li><a href="">John Francis "Frank" Burkhart</a>,
Math undergrad, Spring 2020 - Spring 2021, then did <a href="">Bioinformatics PHD program at North Carolina State University</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Weiheng Su</a>, CS
undergrad, Summer 2020 - Fall 2020, then worked as Machine Learning
Engineer at <a href="">Frontopsky</a>, and
then did PHD at Stony Brook University.</li>
<li><a href="">Joseph Vargovich</a>, CS
undergrad, Fall 2018 - Fall 2020, then did CS master at NAU, then
got job offer at <a href="">Honeywell</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Arnaud Liehrmann</a>,
master intern, Spring-Summer 2020, then did PHD at <a href="">Centre Borelli, Paris-Saclay
<li><a href="">Darien Reyes-Tadeo</a>, CS undergrad, Spring
<li><a href="">Andrew Hurst</a>, CS
undergrad, Fall 2019 - Spring 2020, then worked as Software
Developer at <a href="">General Motors</a> in Atlanta.</li>
<li><a href="">Jinming Yang</a>, CS
master, Fall 2019 - Spring 2020, then worked as software
development engineer at <a href="">Sangfor
Tech</a> (cybersecurity company in ShenZhen, China specializing in
Cloud Computing & Network Security).</li>
<li><a href="">Zaoyi Chi</a>, EE master,
Fall 2019 - Spring 2020.</li>
<li><a href="">Atiyeh Fotoohinasab</a>,
Informatics and Computing PHD, Summer 2019 - Spring 2020, then did <a href="">University of Arizona Biomedical Engineering PHD program</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Anuraag Srivastava</a>, CS
master, Fall 2018 - Spring 2020, then went to Chicago to work as a
software engineer for a company.</li>
<li><a href="">Brandon Dunn</a>, EE master,
Fall 2018 - Spring 2019, then went
to <a href="">Raytheon</a>.</li>'
no.newlines <- gsub(" +", " ", gsub("\n", "", text))
## [1] "[text](link)"
no.ahref <- gsub('<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>', '[\\2](\\1)', no.newlines)
student.dt <- nc::capture_all_str(
cat(paste(paste("*", student.dt$content), collapse="\n"))
## * [Tung Lam Nguyen](, Inf PHD, Spring 2024 - present.
## * [Doris Amoakohene](, Inf master, Fall 2023 - present.
## * [Bilal Aslam](, Inf PHD, Fall 2022 - present.
## * [Karl Harshe](, MechE PHD, Fall 2022 - present.
## * [Daniel Agyapong](, Informatics and Computing PHD, Fall 2022 - present.
## * [Cameron Bodine](, Informatics and Computing PHD, Spring 2020 - present.
## * [Trevor Silverstein](, Inf PHD, Fall 2023, then went back to teach school.
## * [Jadon Fowler](, CS master, Fall 2022 - Spring 2023, working as software developer at [Lunar Client](
## * [Austin Malmin](, CS master, Spring 2023, now Salesforce developer at [Microchip](
## * [Kyle Rust](, CS master, Fall 2021 - Fall 2022, working as data scientist at [CHS](
## * [Charlie Saluski](, CS undergrad, Spring 2022.
## * [Balaji Senthilkumar](, CS master, Spring 2022.
## * [Jacob Kaufman](, CS master, Spring 2022, then went to [General Dynamics](
## * [Amirhossein Safari](, Informatics and Computing PHD, Spring 2022.
## * [Jonathan Wheeler](, Math master, Spring 2022.
## * [Tayler Skirvin](, CS undergrad, Spring 2022, then went to work as software developer at [Cognizant](
## * [Brooke Sebranek](, Biomedical Sciences undergrad, Fall 2021 - Spring 2022.
## * [Shadmaan Hye](, Informatics and Computing PHD, Fall 2021, then went to University of Arizona CS as PHD student.
## * [Tristan Miller](, BS CS research associate, Fall 2020 - Fall 2021, then went to work at a tech startup.
## * [Akhila Chowdary Kolla](, CS master, Spring 2020 - Fall 2021, then went to work as software developer at [Amazon](
## * [Alyssa Stenberg](, CS master, Spring 2020, then went to [J.B. Hunt]( as a software engineer (Machine Learning Operations team).
## * [Jonathan Hillman](, CS undergrad, Summer 2020 - Summer 2021, then did Math master at NAU.
## * [John Francis "Frank" Burkhart](, Math undergrad, Spring 2020 - Spring 2021, then did [Bioinformatics PHD program at North Carolina State University](
## * [Weiheng Su](, CS undergrad, Summer 2020 - Fall 2020, then worked as Machine Learning Engineer at [Frontopsky](, and then did PHD at Stony Brook University.
## * [Joseph Vargovich](, CS undergrad, Fall 2018 - Fall 2020, then did CS master at NAU, then got job offer at [Honeywell](
## * [Arnaud Liehrmann](, master intern, Spring-Summer 2020, then did PHD at [Centre Borelli, Paris-Saclay University](
## * [Darien Reyes-Tadeo](, CS undergrad, Spring 2020.
## * [Andrew Hurst](, CS undergrad, Fall 2019 - Spring 2020, then worked as Software Developer at [General Motors]( in Atlanta.
## * [Jinming Yang](, CS master, Fall 2019 - Spring 2020, then worked as software development engineer at [Sangfor Tech]( (cybersecurity company in ShenZhen, China specializing in Cloud Computing & Network Security).
## * [Zaoyi Chi](, EE master, Fall 2019 - Spring 2020.
## * [Atiyeh Fotoohinasab](, Informatics and Computing PHD, Summer 2019 - Spring 2020, then did [University of Arizona Biomedical Engineering PHD program](
## * [Anuraag Srivastava](, CS master, Fall 2018 - Spring 2020, then went to Chicago to work as a software engineer for a company.
## * [Brandon Dunn](, EE master, Fall 2018 - Spring 2019, then went to [Raytheon](
html <- '
<h3>ASU West ML day, Apr 2024</h3>
<p>Left to right: Tung, Toby, Doris, Bilal, Danny.<br />
<img src="photos/2024-04-26-ASU-West-ML-Day.JPG" alt="ASU West ML day Apr 2024" />
<h3>Cross-country ski day, Feb 2024</h3>
<p>Left to right: Toby, Tung, Doris, Danny.<br />
<img src="photos/2024-02-20-toby-tung-doris-danny-lunch.jpg" alt="Cross-country ski day Feb 2024" />
<h3>ML group meeting, Sep 2023</h3>
<p>Left to right: Richard, Trevor, Bilal, Danny, Toby, Doris, Karl.<br />
<img src="photos/2023-09-13-ml-group-meeting.jpg" alt="ML group meeting Sep 2023" />
<h3>SICCS ML lab at ASU West ML Day, April 2023</h3>
<p>Left to right: Bilal, Toby, Anirban, Danny, Austin, Jadon.<br />
<img src="photos/2023-04-14-ASU-ML-Day.jpg" alt="SICCS at ASU April 2023" />
<h3>ML group meeting, Feb 2023</h3>
<p>Left to right: Austin, Jadon, Danny, Toby, Bilal, Cam.<br />
<img src="photos/2023-02-02-group-meeting.jpg" alt="SICCS group meeting 2023 Feb 2" />
<h3>SICCS camping, Oct 2022</h3>
<p>Left to right: Kyle, Toby, Danny, Basil.<br />
<img src="photos/2022-10-14_ML_camp_fire.jpg" alt="SICCS camping" />
<h3>ML group meeting, Oct 2022</h3>
<p>Left to right: Cam, Bilal, Toby, Danny, Kyle, Gabi.<br />
<img src="photos/2022-10-14_ML_group_meeting.jpg" alt="group meeting Oct 2022" />
<h3>RcppDeepState project members, Oct 2021</h3>
<p>Left to right: Toby, Alex, Akhila.<br />
<img src="photos/2021-10-12-Toby-Alex-Akhila.jpg" alt="Rcpp project members" />
<h3>First fall semester group meeting, Aug 2021</h3>
<p>Left to right: Tristan, Anirban, Toby, Shadmaan, Akhila, Balaji, Kyle.<br />
<img src="photos/2021-08-16-first-fall-ml-group-meeting.jpg" alt="lab meeting fall 2021" />
<h3>Downhill ski day, Mar 2021</h3>
<p>Left to right: Toby, Jon, Tristan, Frank, Akhila, Alyssa.<br />
<img src="photos/2021-03-lab-ski-lunch.jpg" alt="ski 2021" />
<h3>Summer Pizza Party, July 2020</h3>
<p>Foreground: Akhila, left to right in the back: Benoît, Arnaud,
Toby, Basil, John.<br />
<img src="photos/2020-07-summer-pizza-ben-baz.jpg" alt="summer
pizza" />
<h3>Winter Pizza Party, Feb 2020</h3>
<p>Left to right: Atiyeh, Darien, Joe, Arnaud, Benoît, Toby.<br />
We are showing "six" fingers for SICCS (School of Informatics,
Computing and Cyber Systems). <br />
<img src="photos/2020-02-ml-lab-pizza-cropped-lores.jpeg"
alt="winter pizza" />
<h3>Hiking in Sedona, Dec 2019</h3>
<p>Left to right: Joe, Toby, Farnoosh, Atiyeh, Anuraag, Zaoyi.<br />
src.pattern <- nc::field('src','="','[^"]+')
nc::capture_all_str(html, src.pattern)
## src
## <char>
## 1: photos/2024-04-26-ASU-West-ML-Day.JPG
## 2: photos/2024-02-20-toby-tung-doris-danny-lunch.jpg
## 3: photos/2023-09-13-ml-group-meeting.jpg
## 4: photos/2023-04-14-ASU-ML-Day.jpg
## 5: photos/2023-02-02-group-meeting.jpg
## 6: photos/2022-10-14_ML_camp_fire.jpg
## 7: photos/2022-10-14_ML_group_meeting.jpg
## 8: photos/2021-10-12-Toby-Alex-Akhila.jpg
## 9: photos/2021-08-16-first-fall-ml-group-meeting.jpg
## 10: photos/2021-03-lab-ski-lunch.jpg
## 11: photos/2020-07-summer-pizza-ben-baz.jpg
## 12: photos/2020-02-ml-lab-pizza-cropped-lores.jpeg
## 13: photos/2019-12-ml-lab-sedona-cropped-lores.jpeg
img.dt <- nc::capture_all_str(
"<br /> *\n",
## [1] ""
markdown.vec <- img.dt[, sprintf(
'\n### %s\n%s\n',
h3, caption,
gsub("[\n ]+", " ", alt),
sub("photos", "/assets/img/lab-photos", src))]
cat(paste(markdown.vec, collapse="\n"))
## ### ASU West ML day, Apr 2024
## Left to right: Tung, Toby, Doris, Bilal, Danny.
## ### Cross-country ski day, Feb 2024
## Left to right: Toby, Tung, Doris, Danny.
## ### ML group meeting, Sep 2023
## Left to right: Richard, Trevor, Bilal, Danny, Toby, Doris, Karl.
## ### SICCS ML lab at ASU West ML Day, April 2023
## Left to right: Bilal, Toby, Anirban, Danny, Austin, Jadon.
## ### ML group meeting, Feb 2023
## Left to right: Austin, Jadon, Danny, Toby, Bilal, Cam.
## ### SICCS camping, Oct 2022
## Left to right: Kyle, Toby, Danny, Basil.
## ### ML group meeting, Oct 2022
## Left to right: Cam, Bilal, Toby, Danny, Kyle, Gabi.
## ### RcppDeepState project members, Oct 2021
## Left to right: Toby, Alex, Akhila.
## ### First fall semester group meeting, Aug 2021
## Left to right: Tristan, Anirban, Toby, Shadmaan, Akhila, Balaji, Kyle.
## ### Downhill ski day, Mar 2021
## Left to right: Toby, Jon, Tristan, Frank, Akhila, Alyssa.
## ### Summer Pizza Party, July 2020
## Foreground: Akhila, left to right in the back: Benoît, Arnaud,
## Toby, Basil, John.
## ### Winter Pizza Party, Feb 2020
## Left to right: Atiyeh, Darien, Joe, Arnaud, Benoît, Toby.<br />
## We are showing "six" fingers for SICCS (School of Informatics,
## Computing and Cyber Systems).
## ### Hiking in Sedona, Dec 2019
## Left to right: Joe, Toby, Farnoosh, Atiyeh, Anuraag, Zaoyi.