The goal here is to find beta testers for RcppDeepState-action. Previously, Akhila Kolla created a list of R packages with RcppDeepState issues. Some of these packages may be hosted on github, but how to find that programmatically?

First, we download the web page which lists all of the candidate packages,

(prob.dt <- nc::capture_all_str(
  '<li><a href="',
##            Package
##             <char>
##   1: accelerometry
##   2:          BNSL
##   3:     factorcpt
##   4:  humaniformat
##   5: IntegratedMRF
##  ---              
## 308:         waspr
## 309:    windfarmGA
## 310:            wk
## 311:       wkutils
## 312:           xyz

The code above shows that there are 312 packages on that web page. Can we find the CRAN meta-data for each of them? First we download the current CRAN meta-data,

meta.mat <- readRDS("packages.rds")
## [1] 18469

Then we can subset the meta-data based on the packages on that web page,

## data.table 1.14.3 IN DEVELOPMENT built 2022-07-20 16:55:52 UTC; th798 using 6 threads (see ?getDTthreads).  Latest news:
## **********
## This development version of data.table was built more than 4 weeks ago. Please update: data.table::update_dev_pkg()
## **********
meta.dt <- data.table(meta.mat)
meta.prob <- meta.dt[prob.dt, on="Package"]
meta.prob[, .(Package, URL.truncated=substr(URL, 1, 50))]
##            Package                                       URL.truncated
##             <char>                                              <char>
##   1: accelerometry                                                <NA>
##   2:          BNSL                                                <NA>
##   3:     factorcpt                                                <NA>
##   4:  humaniformat
##   5: IntegratedMRF                                                <NA>
##  ---                                                                  
## 308:         waspr                                                <NA>
## 309:    windfarmGA                                                <NA>
## 310:            wk,\nhttps://github.
## 311:       wkutils,\nhttps://gi
## 312:           xyz                                                <NA>

The output above shows that there are several packages which mention github in the URL field. To find the repo URL we can do,

pkg.repos <- meta.prob[, nc::capture_all_str(
  c("",URL), # to avoid attempting to download URL.
  repo.url="*?/[^#/ ,]+"),
##   [1] ""           
##   [2] ""                  
##   [3] ""               
##   [4] ""            
##   [5] ""               
##   [6] ""              
##   [7] ""                    
##   [8] ""          
##   [9] ""                    
##  [10] ""              
##  [11] ""                    
##  [12] ""                     
##  [13] ""              
##  [14] ""             
##  [15] ""               
##  [16] ""               
##  [17] ""              
##  [18] ""           
##  [19] "" 
##  [20] ""               
##  [21] ""           
##  [22] ""                 
##  [23] ""                 
##  [24] ""                      
##  [25] ""                  
##  [26] ""                  
##  [27] ""               
##  [28] ""             
##  [29] ""               
##  [30] ""                       
##  [31] ""                  
##  [32] ""  
##  [33] ""                    
##  [34] ""               
##  [35] ""         
##  [36] ""                  
##  [37] ""               
##  [38] ""             
##  [39] ""                  
##  [40] ""           
##  [41] ""            
##  [42] ""               
##  [43] ""                
##  [44] ""                     
##  [45] ""                      
##  [46] ""                 
##  [47] ""         
##  [48] ""                  
##  [49] ""           
##  [50] ""            
##  [51] ""        
##  [52] ""                        
##  [53] ""                  
##  [54] ""                      
##  [55] ""                     
##  [56] ""                
##  [57] ""               
##  [58] ""                       
##  [59] ""           
##  [60] ""                   
##  [61] ""            
##  [62] ""           
##  [63] ""                 
##  [64] ""                 
##  [65] ""              
##  [66] ""        
##  [67] ""                 
##  [68] ""                  
##  [69] ""                 
##  [70] ""
##  [71] ""          
##  [72] ""                    
##  [73] ""                    
##  [74] ""            
##  [75] ""         
##  [76] ""             
##  [77] ""                     
##  [78] ""          
##  [79] ""   
##  [80] ""         
##  [81] ""         
##  [82] ""                  
##  [83] ""                   
##  [84] ""                   
##  [85] ""                     
##  [86] ""              
##  [87] ""                  
##  [88] ""         
##  [89] ""            
##  [90] ""                     
##  [91] ""        
##  [92] ""              
##  [93] ""                
##  [94] ""                     
##  [95] ""                  
##  [96] ""               
##  [97] ""               
##  [98] ""             
##  [99] ""               
## [100] ""               
## [101] ""              
## [102] ""                   
## [103] ""         
## [104] ""                     
## [105] ""      
## [106] ""            
## [107] ""              
## [108] ""                  
## [109] ""      
## [110] ""                 
## [111] ""                 
## [112] ""                  
## [113] ""                 
## [114] ""                   
## [115] ""

Exercise for the reader: programmatically fork each of these repos, then make a new branch, then add a RcppDeepState.yaml file, then push. This may be doable in R via gh, an R package for making calls to the GitHub API.

UPDATE: my excellent GSOC student Fabrizio Sandri describes how to do that on his blog.