Here is a summary of my current understanding of cloud storage options available to us at NAU, and to our collaborators. Link to official docs.

  • OneDrive: 1TB free, unable to share with anyone on the internet (only with NAU or people on a list who login, called to confirm this with ITS on 5 Sep 2023).
  • GoogleDrive: 25GB free (able to share with anyone on the internet without having them login).
  • Dropbox: unlimited for $180 per year.
  • Bonsai: NAU students have access to 6 gigabytes of free storage, and faculty and staff have access to 25 gigabytes of free storage. Only you have access (no sharing). Backed up daily for over a month and are accessible from any computer with an Internet connection.
  • NAUShares can be accessed by any student, faculty, or staff member if they have been given proper permission to access their departments’ NAUShares. (but no access by outside collaborators)

On Monsoon PIs have 1TB free storage under their /project directory, and those files can be shared via:

  • Globus: collaborators can send you files too, setup group in globus, then setup a share, then collaborators can upload to some directory on your monsoon project space.
  • rcdata: Monsoon projects web sharing. You run publish_data on monsoon, then others can access here,