Course materials

For current and potential CS master students at NAU, here is a list of progression plans with various specialties including machine learning, which should be useful for planning what classes you take.


Topics without links below are on my TODO list.

NAU students mentored

“Science is a cooperative enterprise, spanning the generations. It’s the passing of a torch from teacher to student to teacher. A community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars.” Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Cosmos (2014), Episode 1: Standing Up in the Milky Way.

ASU West ML day, Apr 2024

Left to right: Tung, Toby, Doris, Bilal, Danny. ASU West ML day Apr 2024

Cross-country ski day, Feb 2024

Left to right: Toby, Tung, Doris, Danny. Cross-country ski day Feb 2024

ML group meeting, Sep 2023

Left to right: Richard, Trevor, Bilal, Danny, Toby, Doris, Karl. ML group meeting Sep 2023

SICCS ML lab at ASU West ML Day, April 2023

Left to right: Bilal, Toby, Anirban, Danny, Austin, Jadon. SICCS at ASU April 2023

ML group meeting, Feb 2023

Left to right: Austin, Jadon, Danny, Toby, Bilal, Cam. SICCS group meeting 2023 Feb 2

SICCS camping, Oct 2022

Left to right: Kyle, Toby, Danny, Basil. SICCS camping

ML group meeting, Oct 2022

Left to right: Cam, Bilal, Toby, Danny, Kyle, Gabi. group meeting Oct 2022

RcppDeepState project members, Oct 2021

Left to right: Toby, Alex, Akhila. Rcpp project members

First fall semester group meeting, Aug 2021

Left to right: Tristan, Anirban, Toby, Shadmaan, Akhila, Balaji, Kyle. lab meeting fall 2021

Downhill ski day, Mar 2021

Left to right: Toby, Jon, Tristan, Frank, Akhila, Alyssa. ski 2021

Summer Pizza Party, July 2020

Foreground: Akhila, left to right in the back: Benoît, Arnaud, Toby, Basil, John. summer pizza

Winter Pizza Party, Feb 2020

Left to right: Atiyeh, Darien, Joe, Arnaud, Benoît, Toby.
We are showing “six” fingers for SICCS (School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems). winter pizza

Hiking in Sedona, Dec 2019

Left to right: Joe, Toby, Farnoosh, Atiyeh, Anuraag, Zaoyi. sedona

Google Summer of Code students mentored

I have mentored the following students in coding free/open-source software.