Apply several Positioning methods to the original data frame.
dl.combine <- structure(function # Combine output of several methods ### Apply several Positioning methods to the original data frame. (... ### Several Positioning Methods. ){ FUNS <- list(...) pf <- function(d,...){ dfs <- lapply(FUNS,apply.method,d,...) res <- data.frame() for(df in dfs){ ## if cex is undefined, we will get NAs which will not be ## plotted. if(!"cex"%in%names(df)){ df$cex <- 1 } ## we need to do merge to keep all the columns around. if(nrow(res))res <- merge(df,res,all=TRUE) else res <- df } res } pf ### A Positioning Method that returns the combined data frame after ### applying each specified Positioning Method. },ex=function(){ ## Simple example: label the start and endpoints library(nlme) library(lattice) ratplot <- xyplot(weight~Time|Diet,BodyWeight,groups=Rat,type='l',layout=c(3,1)) ##ratplot <- qplot(Time,weight,data=BodyWeight,group=Rat,colour=Rat,geom="line",facets=.~Diet) both <- dl.combine("first.points","last.points") rat.both <- direct.label(ratplot,"both") print(rat.both) ## grid.edit(gPath("panel-3-3",".*","GRID.dlgrob"), ## method=list(cex=2,fontfamily="bold","both"), ## grep=TRUE) ## can also do this by repeatedly calling direct.label rat.repeated <- direct.label(direct.label(ratplot,"last.points"),"first.points") print(rat.repeated) ## grid.edit(gPath("panel-3-5",".*","GRID.dlgrob.first.points"), ## method=list(cex=2,fontfamily="bold","both"), ## grep=TRUE) library(ggplot2) rp2 <- qplot(Time,weight,data=BodyWeight,geom="line",facets=.~Diet,colour=Rat) print(direct.label(direct.label(rp2,"last.points"),"first.points")) print(direct.label(rp2,"both")) mylars <- function ## Least angle regression algorithm for calculating lasso solutions. (x, ## Matrix of predictor variables. y, ## Vector of responses. epsilon=1e-6 ## If correlation < epsilon, we are done. ){ xscale <- scale(x) # need to work with standardized variables b <- rep(0,ncol(x))# coef vector starts at 0 names(b) <- colnames(x) ycor <- apply(xscale,2,function(xj)sum(xj*y)) j <- which.max(ycor) # variables in active set, starts with most correlated <- 0 out <- data.frame() while(1){## lar loop xak <- xscale[,j] # current variables r <- y-xscale%*%b # current residual ## direction of parameter evolution delta <- solve(t(xak)%*%xak)%*%t(xak)%*%r ## Current correlations (actually dot product) intercept <- apply(xscale,2,function(xk)sum(r*xk)) ## current rate of change of correlations z <- xak%*%delta slope <- apply(xscale,2,function(xk)-sum(z*xk)) ## store current values of parameters and correlation out <- rbind(out,data.frame(variable=colnames(x), coef=b, corr=abs(intercept),, arclength=sum(abs(b)), coef.unscaled=b/attr(xscale,"scaled:scale"))) if(sum(abs(intercept)) < epsilon)#corr==0 so we are done return(transform(out,s=arclength/max(arclength))) ## If there are more variables we can enter into the regression, ## then see which one will cross the highest correlation line ## first, and record the alpha value of where the lines cross. d <- data.frame(slope,intercept) d[d$intercept<0,] <- d[d$intercept<0,]*-1 d0 <- data.frame(d[j[1],])# highest correlation line d2 <- data.frame(rbind(d,-d),variable=names(slope))#reflected lines ## Calculation of alpha for where lines cross for each variable d2$alpha <- (d0$intercept-d2$intercept)/(d2$slope-d0$slope) subd <- d2[(!d2$variable%in%colnames(x)[j])&d2$alpha>epsilon,] subd <- subd[which.min(subd$alpha),] nextvar <- subd$variable alpha <- if(nrow(subd))subd$alpha else 1 ## If one of the coefficients would hit 0 at a smaller alpha ## value, take it out of the regression and continue. hit0 <- xor(b[j]>0,delta>0)&b[j]!=0 alpha0 <- -b[j][hit0]/delta[hit0] takeout <- length(alpha0)&&min(alpha0) < alpha if(takeout){ i <- which.min(alpha0) alpha <- alpha0[i] } b[j] <- b[j]+alpha*delta ## evolve parameters <- ## add or remove a variable from the active set j <- if(takeout)j[j!=which(names(i)==colnames(x))] else c(j,which(nextvar==colnames(x))) } } ## Calculate lasso path, plot and label mylasso <- dl.combine(lasso.labels,last.qp) if(require(ElemStatLearn)){ pros <- subset(prostate,select=-train,train==TRUE) ycol <- which(names(pros)=="lpsa") x <- as.matrix(pros[-ycol]) y <- unlist(pros[ycol]) res <- mylars(x,y) P <- xyplot(coef~arclength,res,groups=variable,type="l") plot(direct.label(P,"mylasso")) p <- ggplot(res,aes(arclength,coef,colour=variable))+ geom_line(aes(group=variable)) direct.label(p,"mylasso") } if(require(lars)){ data(diabetes,envir=environment()) dres <- with(diabetes,mylars(x,y)) P <- xyplot(coef~arclength,dres,groups=variable,type="l") plot(direct.label(P,"mylasso")) } })
Please contact Toby Dylan Hocking if you are using directlabels or have ideas to contribute, thanks! |
Documentation website generated from source code version 2021.2.24 (git revision bb6db07 Mon, 14 Jun 2021 22:38:45 +0530) using inlinedocs. |
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