The goal of this post is to compare two pruning methods for speeding up the optimal partitioning algorithm.

  • We assume that we want to find change-points in a sequence of N data.
  • All algorithms discussed are instances of dynamic programming, which has a for loop over all N data. In each iteration, the algorithm considers a certain number of candidate change-points C (on average). The algorithm is overall O(NC) time.
  • Optimal partitioning (OPART) computes the best segmentation for a given loss function, data sequence, and non-negative penalty value. Each iteration considers the loss for each previous candidate change-point, C=O(N) linear time per iteration, which implies quadratic O(N^2) time overall.
  • Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT) reduces the number of candidate change-points that must be considered at each iteration, from the whole data sequence size N, to the size of a segment S, so C=O(S). This gives an algorithm which is O(NS) time overall.
    • If the number of change-points grows linearly with the data size N, then the segment size is constant, S=O(1) with respect to number of data N, and the PELT algorithm is indeed linear time overall, O(N).
    • However in the case of a constant number of change-points, with segment sizes that grow with the data sequence, S=O(N) implies quadratic time overall, O(N^2).
  • Functional Pruning Optimal Partitioning (FPOP) reduces the number of candidate change-points to a number which is always less than the number considered by PELT (see Maidstone 2017 paper for detailed proof). The goal of this post is to show that it prunes more than PELT in both cases:
    • If the number of change-points grows linearly with the data size N, then both PELT and FPOP are O(N) overall.
    • If the number of change-points is constant with respect to data size N, then FPOP considers only S=O(log N) change-points (empirically), which gives an algorithm that is O(N log N), log-linear time overall.

Simulate data sequences

We simulate data in two scenarios: linear and constant number of changes.

mean_vec <- c(10,20,5,25)
sim_fun_list <- list(
    rep(mean_vec, each=N/4)
    rep(rep(mean_vec, each=25), l=N)
lapply(sim_fun_list, function(f)f(100))
## $constant_changes
##   [1] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
##  [39] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5 25
##  [77] 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
## $linear_changes
##   [1] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
##  [39] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5 25
##  [77] 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

As can be seen above, both functions return a vector of values that represent the true segment mean. Below we use both functions with a three different data sizes.

N_data_vec <- c(100,200,400)
sim_data_list <- list()
sim_changes_list <- list()
for(N_data in N_data_vec){
  for(simulation in names(sim_fun_list)){
    sim_fun <- sim_fun_list[[simulation]]
    data_mean_vec <- sim_fun(N_data)
    end <- which(diff(data_mean_vec) != 0)
    data_value <- rpois(N_data, data_mean_vec)
    sim_data_list[[paste(N_data, simulation)]] <- data.table(
      N_data, simulation, data_index=seq_along(data_value), data_value)
    sim_changes_list[[paste(N_data, simulation)]] <- data.table(
      N_data, simulation, end)
(sim_changes <- rbindlist(sim_changes_list))
##     N_data       simulation   end
##      <num>           <char> <int>
##  1:    100 constant_changes    25
##  2:    100 constant_changes    50
##  3:    100 constant_changes    75
##  4:    100   linear_changes    25
##  5:    100   linear_changes    50
##  6:    100   linear_changes    75
##  7:    200 constant_changes    50
##  8:    200 constant_changes   100
##  9:    200 constant_changes   150
## 10:    200   linear_changes    25
## 11:    200   linear_changes    50
## 12:    200   linear_changes    75
## 13:    200   linear_changes   100
## 14:    200   linear_changes   125
## 15:    200   linear_changes   150
## 16:    200   linear_changes   175
## 17:    400 constant_changes   100
## 18:    400 constant_changes   200
## 19:    400 constant_changes   300
## 20:    400   linear_changes    25
## 21:    400   linear_changes    50
## 22:    400   linear_changes    75
## 23:    400   linear_changes   100
## 24:    400   linear_changes   125
## 25:    400   linear_changes   150
## 26:    400   linear_changes   175
## 27:    400   linear_changes   200
## 28:    400   linear_changes   225
## 29:    400   linear_changes   250
## 30:    400   linear_changes   275
## 31:    400   linear_changes   300
## 32:    400   linear_changes   325
## 33:    400   linear_changes   350
## 34:    400   linear_changes   375
##     N_data       simulation   end

Above we see the table of simulated change-points.

  • For constant_changes simulation, there are always 3 change-points.
  • For linear_changes simulation, there are more change-points when there are more data.

Below we visualize the simulated data.

(sim_data <- rbindlist(sim_data_list))
##       N_data       simulation data_index data_value
##        <num>           <char>      <int>      <int>
##    1:    100 constant_changes          1          8
##    2:    100 constant_changes          2         10
##    3:    100 constant_changes          3          7
##    4:    100 constant_changes          4         11
##    5:    100 constant_changes          5         14
##   ---                                              
## 1396:    400   linear_changes        396         24
## 1397:    400   linear_changes        397         20
## 1398:    400   linear_changes        398         22
## 1399:    400   linear_changes        399         21
## 1400:    400   linear_changes        400         23
    data_index, data_value),
  facet_grid(simulation ~ N_data, labeller=label_both, scales="free_x", space="free")+

plot of chunk sim-data

We see in the figure above that the data are the same in the two simulations, when there are only 100 data points. However, when there are 200 or 400 data, we see a difference:

  • For the constant_changes simulation, the number of change-points is still three (change-point every quarter of the data).
  • For the linear_changes simulation, the number of change-points has increased from 3 to 7 to 15 (change-point every 25 data points).


Below we define a function which implements PELT for the Poisson loss, because we used a count data simulation above.

PELT <- function(sim.mat, penalty, prune=TRUE){
  if(!is.matrix(sim.mat))sim.mat <- cbind(sim.mat) <- rbind(0, apply(sim.mat, 2, cumsum))
  sum_trick <- function(m, start, end)m[end+1,,drop=FALSE]-m[start,,drop=FALSE]
  cost_trick <- function(start, end){
    sum_vec <- sum_trick(, start, end)
    N <- end+1-start
    mean_vec <- sum_vec/N
  } <- nrow(sim.mat)
  pelt.change.vec <- rep(NA_integer_,
  pelt.cost.vec <- rep(NA_real_,
  pelt.cost.vec[1] <- -penalty
  pelt.candidates.vec <- rep(NA_integer_,
  candidate.vec <- 1L
  for( in{
    N.cand <- length(candidate.vec)
    pelt.candidates.vec[] <- N.cand
    last.seg.cost <- rowSums(cost_trick(candidate.vec, rep(, N.cand)))
    prev.cost <- pelt.cost.vec[candidate.vec] <- prev.cost+last.seg.cost
    total.cost <-
    best.i <- which.min(total.cost)
    pelt.change.vec[] <- candidate.vec[best.i] <- total.cost[best.i]
    pelt.cost.vec[] <-
    keep <- if(isTRUE(prune)) < else TRUE
    candidate.vec <- c(candidate.vec[keep],
decode <- function(best.change){
  seg.dt.list <- list()
  last.i <- length(best.change)
    first.i <- best.change[last.i]
    seg.dt.list[[paste(last.i)]] <- data.table(
      first.i, last.i)
    last.i <- first.i-1L
pelt_info_list <- list()
pelt_segs_list <- list()
penalty <- 10
algo.prune <- c(
for(N_data in N_data_vec){
  for(simulation in names(sim_fun_list)){
    N_sim <- paste(N_data, simulation)
    data_value <- sim_data_list[[N_sim]]$data_value
    for(algo in names(algo.prune)){
      prune <- algo.prune[[algo]]
      fit <- PELT(data_value, penalty=penalty, prune=prune)
      fit_seg_dt <- decode(fit$change)
      pelt_info_list[[paste(N_data,simulation,algo)]] <- data.table(
      pelt_segs_list[[paste(N_data,simulation,algo)]] <- data.table(
(pelt_info <- rbindlist(pelt_info_list))
##       N_data       simulation   algo candidates data_index
##        <num>           <char> <char>      <int>      <int>
##    1:    100 constant_changes  OPART          1          1
##    2:    100 constant_changes  OPART          2          2
##    3:    100 constant_changes  OPART          3          3
##    4:    100 constant_changes  OPART          4          4
##    5:    100 constant_changes  OPART          5          5
##   ---                                                     
## 2796:    400   linear_changes   PELT         21        396
## 2797:    400   linear_changes   PELT         21        397
## 2798:    400   linear_changes   PELT         22        398
## 2799:    400   linear_changes   PELT         23        399
## 2800:    400   linear_changes   PELT         24        400
(pelt_segs <- rbindlist(pelt_segs_list))
##     N_data       simulation   algo first.i last.i
##      <num>           <char> <char>   <int>  <int>
##  1:    100 constant_changes  OPART       1     25
##  2:    100 constant_changes  OPART      26     50
##  3:    100 constant_changes  OPART      51     75
##  4:    100 constant_changes  OPART      76    100
##  5:    100 constant_changes   PELT       1     25
##  6:    100 constant_changes   PELT      26     50
##  7:    100 constant_changes   PELT      51     75
##  8:    100 constant_changes   PELT      76    100
##  9:    100   linear_changes  OPART       1     25
## 10:    100   linear_changes  OPART      26     50
## 11:    100   linear_changes  OPART      51     75
## 12:    100   linear_changes  OPART      76    100
## 13:    100   linear_changes   PELT       1     25
## 14:    100   linear_changes   PELT      26     50
## 15:    100   linear_changes   PELT      51     75
## 16:    100   linear_changes   PELT      76    100
## 17:    200 constant_changes  OPART       1     50
## 18:    200 constant_changes  OPART      51    100
## 19:    200 constant_changes  OPART     101    150
## 20:    200 constant_changes  OPART     151    200
## 21:    200 constant_changes   PELT       1     50
## 22:    200 constant_changes   PELT      51    100
## 23:    200 constant_changes   PELT     101    150
## 24:    200 constant_changes   PELT     151    200
## 25:    200   linear_changes  OPART       1     25
## 26:    200   linear_changes  OPART      26     50
## 27:    200   linear_changes  OPART      51     75
## 28:    200   linear_changes  OPART      76    100
## 29:    200   linear_changes  OPART     101    125
## 30:    200   linear_changes  OPART     126    150
## 31:    200   linear_changes  OPART     151    175
## 32:    200   linear_changes  OPART     176    200
## 33:    200   linear_changes   PELT       1     25
## 34:    200   linear_changes   PELT      26     50
## 35:    200   linear_changes   PELT      51     75
## 36:    200   linear_changes   PELT      76    100
## 37:    200   linear_changes   PELT     101    125
## 38:    200   linear_changes   PELT     126    150
## 39:    200   linear_changes   PELT     151    175
## 40:    200   linear_changes   PELT     176    200
## 41:    400 constant_changes  OPART       1    100
## 42:    400 constant_changes  OPART     101    200
## 43:    400 constant_changes  OPART     201    300
## 44:    400 constant_changes  OPART     301    400
## 45:    400 constant_changes   PELT       1    100
## 46:    400 constant_changes   PELT     101    200
## 47:    400 constant_changes   PELT     201    300
## 48:    400 constant_changes   PELT     301    400
## 49:    400   linear_changes  OPART       1     25
## 50:    400   linear_changes  OPART      26     50
## 51:    400   linear_changes  OPART      51     75
## 52:    400   linear_changes  OPART      76    100
## 53:    400   linear_changes  OPART     101    125
## 54:    400   linear_changes  OPART     126    150
## 55:    400   linear_changes  OPART     151    175
## 56:    400   linear_changes  OPART     176    201
## 57:    400   linear_changes  OPART     202    224
## 58:    400   linear_changes  OPART     225    250
## 59:    400   linear_changes  OPART     251    275
## 60:    400   linear_changes  OPART     276    300
## 61:    400   linear_changes  OPART     301    325
## 62:    400   linear_changes  OPART     326    350
## 63:    400   linear_changes  OPART     351    375
## 64:    400   linear_changes  OPART     376    400
## 65:    400   linear_changes   PELT       1     25
## 66:    400   linear_changes   PELT      26     50
## 67:    400   linear_changes   PELT      51     75
## 68:    400   linear_changes   PELT      76    100
## 69:    400   linear_changes   PELT     101    125
## 70:    400   linear_changes   PELT     126    150
## 71:    400   linear_changes   PELT     151    175
## 72:    400   linear_changes   PELT     176    201
## 73:    400   linear_changes   PELT     202    224
## 74:    400   linear_changes   PELT     225    250
## 75:    400   linear_changes   PELT     251    275
## 76:    400   linear_changes   PELT     276    300
## 77:    400   linear_changes   PELT     301    325
## 78:    400   linear_changes   PELT     326    349
## 79:    400   linear_changes   PELT     350    375
## 80:    400   linear_changes   PELT     376    400
##     N_data       simulation   algo first.i last.i

We see in the result tables above that the segmentations are the same, using pruning and no pruning. Below we visualize the number of candidates considered.

algo.colors <- c(
    data_index, candidates, color=algo),
  facet_grid(simulation ~ N_data, labeller=label_both, scales="free_x", space="free")+

plot of chunk pelt-prune

We can see in the figure above that PELT considers a much smaller number of change-points, that tends to reset near zero, for each change-point detected.

  • In the bottom simulation with linear changes, the number of change-point candidates considered by PELT is constant (does not depend on number of data), so PELT is linear time, whereas OPART is quadratic, in the number of data.
  • In the top simulation with constant changes, the number of change-point candidates considered by PELT is linear in the number of data, so both OPART and PELT are quadratic time in the number of data.


Now we run FPOP.

fpop_info_list <- list()
fpop_segs_list <- list()
for(N_data in N_data_vec){
  for(simulation in names(sim_fun_list)){
    N_sim <- paste(N_data, simulation)
    data_value <- sim_data_list[[N_sim]]$data_value
    pfit <- PeakSegOptimal::UnconstrainedFPOP(data_value, penalty=penalty)
    start <- rev(with(pfit, ends.vec[ends.vec>=0])+1L)
    end <- c(start[-1]-1L,length(data_value))
    fpop_info_list[[paste(N_data,simulation)]] <- data.table(
    fpop_segs_list[[paste(N_data,simulation)]] <- data.table(
(fpop_info <- rbindlist(fpop_info_list))
##       N_data       simulation   algo candidates data_index
##        <num>           <char> <char>      <int>      <int>
##    1:    100 constant_changes   FPOP          1          1
##    2:    100 constant_changes   FPOP          2          2
##    3:    100 constant_changes   FPOP          3          3
##    4:    100 constant_changes   FPOP          3          4
##    5:    100 constant_changes   FPOP          3          5
##   ---                                                     
## 1396:    400   linear_changes   FPOP          5        396
## 1397:    400   linear_changes   FPOP          5        397
## 1398:    400   linear_changes   FPOP          6        398
## 1399:    400   linear_changes   FPOP          6        399
## 1400:    400   linear_changes   FPOP          6        400
(fpop_segs <- rbindlist(fpop_segs_list))
##     N_data       simulation start   end
##      <num>           <char> <int> <int>
##  1:    100 constant_changes     1    25
##  2:    100 constant_changes    26    50
##  3:    100 constant_changes    51    75
##  4:    100 constant_changes    76   100
##  5:    100   linear_changes     1    25
##  6:    100   linear_changes    26    50
##  7:    100   linear_changes    51    75
##  8:    100   linear_changes    76   100
##  9:    200 constant_changes     1    50
## 10:    200 constant_changes    51   100
## 11:    200 constant_changes   101   150
## 12:    200 constant_changes   151   200
## 13:    200   linear_changes     1    25
## 14:    200   linear_changes    26    50
## 15:    200   linear_changes    51    75
## 16:    200   linear_changes    76   100
## 17:    200   linear_changes   101   125
## 18:    200   linear_changes   126   150
## 19:    200   linear_changes   151   175
## 20:    200   linear_changes   176   200
## 21:    400 constant_changes     1   100
## 22:    400 constant_changes   101   200
## 23:    400 constant_changes   201   300
## 24:    400 constant_changes   301   400
## 25:    400   linear_changes     1    25
## 26:    400   linear_changes    26    50
## 27:    400   linear_changes    51    75
## 28:    400   linear_changes    76   100
## 29:    400   linear_changes   101   125
## 30:    400   linear_changes   126   150
## 31:    400   linear_changes   151   175
## 32:    400   linear_changes   176   201
## 33:    400   linear_changes   202   224
## 34:    400   linear_changes   225   250
## 35:    400   linear_changes   251   275
## 36:    400   linear_changes   276   300
## 37:    400   linear_changes   301   325
## 38:    400   linear_changes   326   350
## 39:    400   linear_changes   351   375
## 40:    400   linear_changes   376   400
##     N_data       simulation start   end
both_info <- rbind(pelt_info, fpop_info)
    data_index, candidates, color=algo),
  facet_grid(simulation ~ N_data, labeller=label_both, scales="free_x", space="free")+

plot of chunk fpop-prune

In the figure above, we can see the advantage of FPOP: the number of change-points considered does not increase with the number of data, even with constant number of changes (larger segments).

  • In the top simulation with constant changes, the number of change-points candidates considered is linear in the number of data, so both OPART and PELT are quadratic time in the number of data, wheras FPOP is sub-quadratic (empirically linear or log-linear).

atime comparison

base_N <- c(100,200,400,800)
(all_N <- unlist(lapply(10^seq(0,3), function(x)x*base_N)))
##  [1] 1e+02 2e+02 4e+02 8e+02 1e+03 2e+03 4e+03 8e+03 1e+04 2e+04 4e+04 8e+04 1e+05 2e+05 4e+05 8e+05
grid_args <- list(
    pfit <- PeakSegOptimal::UnconstrainedFPOP(
      data_list[[simulation]], penalty=penalty)
for(algo in names(algo.prune)){
  prune <- algo.prune[[algo]]
  grid_args[[algo]] <- substitute({
    fit <- PELT(data_list[[simulation]], penalty=penalty, prune=prune)
    dec <- decode(fit$change)
  }, list(prune=prune))
expr.list <-, grid_args)
if(!"atime_list" %in% ls()){
atime_list <- atime::atime(
    data_list <- list()
    for(simulation in names(sim_fun_list)){
      sim_fun <- sim_fun_list[[simulation]]
      data_mean_vec <- sim_fun(N)
      data_list[[simulation]] <- rpois(N, data_mean_vec)
refs_list <- atime::references_best(atime_list)
    N, empirical, color=expr.grid, label=expr.grid),
    N, empirical, color=expr.grid),
  facet_grid(unit ~ simulation, scales="free")+
    "N = number of data in sequence",
    limits=c(NA, 1e6))+

plot of chunk atime

Above the figure shows a different curve for each algorithm, and a different panel for each simulation and measurement unit. We can observe that

  • PELT memory usage in kilobytes has a larger slope for constant changes, than for linear changes. This implies a larger asymptotic complexity class.
  • The maximum segment size, max_seg_size, is the same for all algos, indicating that the penalty was chosen appropriately, and the algorithms are computing the same optimal solution.
  • Similarly, the mean number of candidates considered by the PELT algorithm has a larger slope for constant changes (same as OPART/linear in N), than for linear changes (relatively constant).
  • For PELT seconds, we see a slightly larger slope for seconds in constant changes, compared to linear changes.
  • As expected, number of segments is constant for a constant number of changes (left), and increasing for a linear number of changes (right).

Below we plot the same data in a different way, that facilitates comparisons across the type of simulation:

refs_list$meas[, Simulation := sub("_","\n",simulation)]
    N, empirical, color=Simulation, label=Simulation),
    N, empirical, color=Simulation),
  facet_grid(unit ~ expr.grid, scales="free")+
    "N = number of data in sequence",
    limits=c(NA, 1e6))+

plot of chunk compare-sims

The plot above makes it easier to notice some interesting trends in the mean number of candidates:

  • For PELT and FPOP the mean number of candidates is increases for a constant number of changes, but at different rates (FPOP much slower than PELT).
edit_expr <- function(DT)DT[
, := sub(" simulation=", "\n",]
## Warning in (function (..., deparse.level = 1) : number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 2)

plot of chunk plot-refs

The plot above is an empirical verification of our earlier complexity claims.

  • OPART mean_candidates is linear, O(N), and time and memory are quadratic, O(N^2).
  • PELT with constant changes has linear mean_candidates, O(N), and quadratic time and memory, O(N^2) (same as OPART, no asymptotic speedup).
  • PELT with linear changes has sub-linear mean_candidates (constant or log), and linear or log-linear time/memory.
  • FPOP always has sub-linear mean_candidates (constant or log), and linear or log-linear time/memory.

The code/plot below shows the speedups in this case.

pred_list <- predict(refs_list)
    N, empirical, color=expr.grid),
    N, unit.value, color=expr.grid, label=sprintf(
      ifelse(expr.grid=="FPOP", "C++", "R"),
  facet_grid(. ~ simulation, scales="free", labeller=label_both)+
    "N = number of data in sequence",
    limits=c(NA, 1e6))+
  scale_y_log10("Computation time (seconds)")

plot of chunk pred-seconds

The figure above shows the throughput (data size N) which is possible to compute in 1 second using each algorithm. We see that FPOP is 10-100x faster than OPART/PELT. Part of the difference is that OPART/PELT were coded in R, whereas FPOP was coded in C++ (faster). Another difference is that FPOP is asymptotically faster with constant changes, as can be seen by a smaller slope for FPOP, compared to OPART/PELT.

Below we zoom in on the number of candidate change-points considered by each algorithm.

cand_dt <- pred_list$measurements[unit=="mean_candidates"]
    N, empirical, color=expr.grid),
    N, empirical, color=expr.grid, label=expr.grid),
  facet_grid(. ~ simulation, scales="free", labeller=label_both)+
    "N = number of data in sequence",
    limits=c(NA, 1e6))+
  scale_y_log10("Mean number of candidate change-points considered")

plot of chunk pred-candidates

The figure above shows that

  • OPART always considers a linear number of candidates (slow).
  • PELT also considers a linear number of candidates (slow), when the number of changes is constant.
  • PELT considers a sub-linear number of candidates (fast), when the number of changes is linear.
  • FPOP always considers sub-linear number of candidates (fast), which is either constant for a linear nuber of changes, or logarithmic for a constant number of changes.


We have explored three algorithms for optimal change-point detection.

  • The classic OPART algorithm is always quadratic time in the number of data to segment.
  • The Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT) algorithm can indeed be linear time in the number of data to segment, but only when the number of change-points grows with the number of data points. When the number of change-points is constant, there are ever-increasing segments, and the PELT algorithm must compute a cost for each candidate on these large segments; in this situation, PELT suffers from the same quadratic time complexity as OPART.
  • The FPOP algorithm is fast (linear or log-linear) in both of the scenarios we examined.

Session info

## R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-06 r87694)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ 
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/  LAPACK version 3.10.0
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=fr_FR.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=fr_FR.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=fr_FR.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=fr_FR.UTF-8    LC_PAPER=fr_FR.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C             LC_MEASUREMENT=fr_FR.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C       
## time zone: Europe/Paris
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  utils     datasets  grDevices methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] ggplot2_3.5.1      data.table_1.17.99
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] directlabels_2024.1.21   vctrs_0.6.5              knitr_1.49               cli_3.6.3               
##  [5] xfun_0.50                rlang_1.1.5              penaltyLearning_2024.9.3 bench_1.1.4             
##  [9] generics_0.1.3           glue_1.8.0               labeling_0.4.3           colorspace_2.1-1        
## [13] scales_1.3.0             quadprog_1.5-8           grid_4.5.0               evaluate_1.0.3          
## [17] munsell_0.5.1            tibble_3.2.1             profmem_0.6.0            lifecycle_1.0.4         
## [21] compiler_4.5.0           dplyr_1.1.4              pkgconfig_2.0.3          PeakSegOptimal_2024.10.1
## [25] atime_2025.1.21          farver_2.1.2             lattice_0.22-6           R6_2.5.1                
## [29] tidyselect_1.2.1         pillar_1.10.1            magrittr_2.0.3           tools_4.5.0             
## [33] withr_3.0.2              gtable_0.3.6