Recent versions of Windows now can install Ubuntu via WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), but by default in Windows 10 you just get a terminal, so no GUI apps. This tutorial explains how to run WSL GUI apps using cygwin on Windows 10. says to use but I already have cygwin installed, so this tutorial explains how to use that instead.

In wsl, first run apt install x11-apps to get xclock for testing.

root@cmp2986:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32# xclock
Error: Can't open display:

Start -> xwin server. X icon should appear in task bar next to date.

At that point running DISPLAY=:0.0 lxterminal.exe in cygwin terminal should pop up a new lxterminal. But

cygwin$ DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 lxterminal.exe

(lxterminal:1739): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:0.0

That is because cygwin’s xwin server turns off network connections by default. The FAQ explains that we can allow xwin server to listen for network connections by starting it via

cygwin$ startxwin -- -listen tcp

Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
OS: CYGWIN_NT-10.0-19042 cmp2986 3.3.6-341.x86_64 2022-09-05 11:15 UTC x86_64
OS: Windows 10  [Windows NT 10.0 build 19042] x64
Package: version 21.1.4-2 built 2022-09-21
winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=:1.0
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=:1.0
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - xcb_connect() returned and successfully opened the display.
winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
winClipboardThreadProc - DISPLAY=:1.0
winInitMultiWindowWM - xcb_connect () returned and successfully opened the display.
winClipboardProc - xcb_connect () returned and successfully opened the display.
Using Composite redirection

Then running DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 lxterminal.exe in a different cygwin terminal should pop up a new lxterminal. But in wsl terminal we get:

root@cmp2986:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32# DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 xclock
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: localhost:1.0

To fix that we can use xhost, as explained on superuser.

cygwin$ DISPLAY=:1.0 xhost localhost
localhost being added to access control list

After that you should be able to run GNU/Linux X11 GUI apps,

root@cmp2986:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32# DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 xclock
root@cmp2986:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32# DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 emacs