Today I explained to one of my students the advantages of X forwarding for interactive with the NAU Monsoon computer cluster.

To get it working first go to the Installation page for cygwin and download the installer. When you get to “Select Packages” make sure to select View “Full” and the Search for the following packages:

  • openssh
  • xinit
  • cygutils-x11
  • lxterminal

For each package, under the New column, click the arrow and then choose the most recent version to install.

After installation, go to Start menu -> Xwin server. Or on recent versions of windows, for some reason there is no Xwin server under start menu, but you can always open up cygwin terminal and then run startxwin.

Then in a Cygwin64 terminal:

DISPLAY=:0.0 lxterminal.exe

That will pull up another terminal. xterm could be used instead but its default text is way too small. In lxterminal you can do Edit -> Preferences -> Terminal font -> Size to adjust the font size permanently, or use CTRL-SHIFT then plus or minus to adjust it temporarily.

After that in lxterminal do

ssh -Y

and put in your password to get a shell on monsoon. Note that the -Y flag for ssh enables trusted X11 forwarding, which are not subjected to the X11 SECURITY extension controls. (from man ssh)

You can then open up any X windows program and see the windows on your own computer, e.g.

emacs -fh &

Some references:

Starting cygwin/x

Displaying remote clients

Cygwin FAQ

UPDATE 5 Apr 2021! Monsoon no longer supports running rstudio via X forwarding. Instead you can run RStudio on a compute node via the OnDemand web interface.

If you still want to use R inside emacs on the cluster, remember to put the following in ~/.bashrc

export R_LIBS_USER=$HOME/R/%v
module load R

UPDATE 4 Oct 2022! An easier method, after starting xwin server, which does not involve lxterminal, is to just set the DISPLAY variable in Start -> cygwin64 terminal -> then type

DISPLAY=:0.0 ssh -Y