Testing PeakSegPipeline on Travis with SLURM
I originally developed my PeakSegPipeline R package to work with PBS/qsub, which is the batch/cluster system that was running on Compute Canada’s Guillimin (I was using that cluster during my postdoc at McGill). Now I am at NAU where the Monsoon cluster is running SLURM. In this note I describe how I got PeakSegPipeline running on SLURM.
First of all I wrote the new jobs_create
function which returns a
data.table with one row for every job and three columns (step
, arg
). The idea is that each step
is an integer from 1 to 6,
and smaller numbers should be run first; fun
is the name of a
PeakSegPipeline function to be run with the argument arg
. For
example step 1 computes the target interval for labeled
samples/contigs via problem.target
. Step 2 should be run after all
Step 1 jobs finish, because it is the model training, which uses the
target intervals to learn a regression model. Step 3 requires the
trained model to do prediction on all samples/contigs, etc.
Then I wrote the jobs_submit_batchtools
function which takes the job
data.table described above, and launches the jobs on a SLURM
cluster. I decided to use the batchtools R package because it has
great documentation. Even
though batchtools
does not directly support dependencies between jobs at this time,
I managed to get launch jobs with dependencies by creating
a new template. The
idea is that batchtools uses the template to generate a shell script
that is run via sbatch
(which is the SLURM command to launch
jobs). My template adds a line like #SBATCH
is the job ID of the
previous step. The only trick is that for each step I had to create a
“registry”, which is a directory that contains meta-data about the
jobs (shell scripts, logs, etc). The registry directories I created
are in data.dir/registry/STEP
where STEP
is the step number (from
1 to 6). To tell batchtools to use the special template I put the
following code in my ~/.batchtools.conf.R
cluster.functions = makeClusterFunctionsSlurm(system.file(
file.path("templates", "slurm-afterok.tmpl"),
Finally to test that these new functions are working properly, I had
to install SLURM on Travis by adding the following commands to my
config file:
- sudo mkdir /etc/slurm-llnl
- sudo cp slurm.conf /etc/slurm-llnl
- cp batchtools.conf.R tests/testthat
- sudo apt-get install -y slurm-llnl
- sudo /usr/sbin/create-munge-key
- sudo service munge start
The first two lines install
a basic SLURM config file,
which I had to generate using
on my
laptop. Note that Travis runs Ubuntu 14.04 which has the slurm-llnl
package but my laptop is running Ubuntu 18.04 which has the
package. The last two lines were required to avoid the the
following error
── 1. Error: index.html is created via batchtools (@test-pipeline-noinput.R#149)
Listing of jobs failed (exit code 1);
cmd: 'squeue --user=$USER --states=R,S,CG --noheader --format=%i -r'
squeue: error: Munge encode failed: Failed to access "/var/run/munge/munge.socket.2": No such file or directory (retrying ...)
squeue: error: Munge encode failed: Failed to access "/var/run/munge/munge.socket.2": No such file or directory (retrying ...)
squeue: error: Munge encode failed: Failed to access "/var/run/munge/munge.socket.2": No such file or directory
squeue: error: authentication: Socket communication error
slurm_load_jobs error: Protocol authentication error
1: jobs_submit_batchtools(jobs, res.list) at testthat/test-pipeline-noinput.R:149
2: batchtools::submitJobs(chunks, resources = resources, reg = reg)
3: .findOnSystem(reg = reg, cols = c("job.id", "batch.id"))
4: getBatchIds(reg, status = "all")
5: unique(cf$listJobsRunning(reg))
6: cf$listJobsRunning(reg)
7: listJobs(reg, args)
8: OSError("Listing of jobs failed", res)
9: stopf("%s (exit code %i);\ncmd: '%s'\noutput:\n%s", msg, res$exit.code, stri_flatten(c(res$sys.cmd,
res$sys.args), collapse = " "), stri_flatten(res$output, "\n"))
In the testing code that launches the SLURM jobs, I used the following code to wait until the last step of the pipeline has finished:
reg.dir <- file.path(data.dir, "registry", "6")
reg <- batchtools::loadRegistry(reg.dir)
result <- batchtools::waitForJobs(reg=reg, sleep=function(i){
Note that squeue
is used to display the job progress every 10
seconds, in order to avoid falsely failing builds (Travis kills builds
which display no output after 10 minutes).
Finally I had to apt-get install texlive texlive-fonts-extra texinfo
to avoid the following WARNING about incorrectly generated R
* checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING
LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.