directlabels - utility.function - Positioning Method - gapply

apply a Positioning Method to every group. works like ddply from plyr package, but the grouping column is always called groups, and the Positioning Method is not necessarily a function (but can be).

gapply <- function
### apply a Positioning Method to every group. works like ddply from
### plyr package, but the grouping column is always called groups, and
### the Positioning Method is not necessarily a function (but can be).
### data frame with column groups.
### Positioning Method to apply to every group separately.
### additional arguments, passed to Positioning Methods.
### can also be useful for piece column.
  dfs <- split(d,as.character(d[[groups]]))
  f <- function(d,...){
    res <- apply.method(method,d,"x","y"),...)
    res[[groups]] <- d[[groups]][1]
  results <- lapply(dfs,f,...)
    stop("Positioning Method did not return data.frame")
### data frame of results after applying FUN to each group in d.
Please contact Toby Dylan Hocking if you are using directlabels or have ideas to contribute, thanks!
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