directlabels - utility.function - Positioning Method - calc.borders

Calculate bounding box based on newly calculated width and height.

calc.borders <- function
### Calculate bounding box based on newly calculated width and height.
### Data frame of point labels, with new widths and heights in the w
### and h columns.
### ignored.
  for(just in c("hjust","vjust")){
    if(!just %in% names(d)){
      d[,just] <- 0.5
  d$top <- d$y+(1-d$vjust)*d$h
  d$bottom <- d$y-d$vjust*d$h
  d$right <- d$x+(1-d$hjust)*d$w
  d$left <- d$x-d$hjust*d$w
Please contact Toby Dylan Hocking if you are using directlabels or have ideas to contribute, thanks!
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